We specialise in loading & unloading boats and yachts in containers and on flat racks.

We have the knowledge, experience and equipment to handle every type of vehicle unpack.

We are quarantine 1.3 QAP which enables to handle a variety of different types of goods for quarantine cleaning.

We offer transport solutions to & from Port Kembla, Sydney metro, Canberra and Newcastle.

We offer competitive storage rates for both customs bonded and non bonded cars & boats.
The Marine & Auto Depot is a privately owned boutique customs and quarantine depot which only handles marine and automotive products such as watercraft, vehicles, trucks engines, & spare parts. Marine & Auto Depot is a customs 77G bonded and Quarantine 1.3 AA accredited warehouse with wash bay facilities with both our Sydney and Queensland depots.
We have invested in specialised equipment to ensure your boat or car is handled safely in and out of the containers including 3 and 4 packs of boats and cars for both import and export. We have handled various types of unpacks using timber steel and custom racking systems from different customers.
We also have a variety of our own specialised transporters at each depot, which includes;
Tilt Trays
Car Carriers
Car Trailers
All our drivers have MSIC passes, so we can handle boats and cars in and out of Port Kembla and Brisbane Roll on Roll Off terminals